National Digital Literacy Programme
In an increasingly digitalised world, it is essential to equip students to thrive in a digital society and take on the jobs of the future. At MOE’s Committee of Supply Debate in March 2020, MOE launched the National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP) for our schools and Institutes of Higher Learning to help students strengthen their digital literacy.
One of the components of the NDLP is the introduction of the Personal Learning Device (PLD) initiative for all secondary school students, whereby every secondary school student will own a school-prescribed PLD. With every student owning a PLD, teachers can enhance teaching and learning through the design of ICT enriched learning experiences. Students will be able to tap on digital resources to learn according to their needs and interests and to collaborate with each other, anytime and anywhere. Students will also acquire digital literacy in the four components of Ministry of Education (MOE)’s Digital Literacy Framework:

Through the NDLP, Damai Secondary School aims to develop Future-Ready and Responsible Digital Learners who are:
self-directed and collaborative in their learning,
equipped with 21st Century Competencies and Digital Literacies, and
imbued with sound moral values to be responsible users of technology.
Personal Learning Device
At DSS, every student will be using the Apple iPad as their personal learning device. Every iPad will come bundled with the Apple pencil and keyboard to maximise the affordances of the iPad as a learning tool.
The iPad is a lightweight device that offers students convenient learning on-the-move and is relatively easy to use. A full charge of the battery typically allows students to use the iPad for the entire curriculum hours. It allows for a seamless learning experience with existing teaching and learning technologies such as the Singapore Student Learning Space, Microsoft 365 and Google Suite, in addition to native Apple apps.
Financial Assistance
The cost of the device bundle can be paid using the student's Edusave account, after setting aside provision for payment of second tier miscellaneous fees.
To ensure the affordability of devices, MOE has provided Edusave top-ups of $200 in 2020 to 2022, and $300 in 2023, to all eligible SC students in primary and secondary schools. This is on top of the annual $290 credited into the Edusave account for Secondary School students and $230 for Primary School students.
Students under the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme for the year will automatically be subsidised for the PLD. Students who are currently not under the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme may approach the General Office to apply for additional subsidy if their Gross Household Income (GHI) is $4,400 or less, or Per Capita Income (PCI) is $1,100 or less. “PCI” refers to the Gross Household Income divided by the total number of family members in the household.
Sec 1 Parents' Briefing
Any Queries
Please refer to the following set of Frequently Asked Questions.
PLD Initiative FAQ for Parents
More details regarding the Device Management Application (DMA) can be found here.
For any other queries on the NDLP, please contact the HOD ICT, Mrs Lee Pei Kee via her email [email protected].
Parent Handbook
IP2 - Parent Handbook (1) 2025
The handbook explains how 1‐to‐1 learning benefits students’ learning and contains some digital parenting tips and strategies.
IP3 - Parent Handbook (II) 2025
The handbook explains how learning will be different with a PLD. Parents can also pick up tips on easing their child into learning with a PLD and partnering the school in reinforcing good digital habits at home.