Parent Support Group
Parents play a key role in the growth and development of their children. As such, as key stakeholders, parents’ partnership with the school is critical.
PSG@Damai embraces the school vision and mission, and actively supports the school’s endeavours. The PSG members role model the school values, add value to the students’ school experience and serve as a bridge between the school and other parents. The PSG supports and collaborates with the school in the following ways:
Serve as chaperones
Participate in school activities
Organise and conduct activities for families with the aim of forging familial bonds and building relationships
Promote parenting skills through workshops and sharing sessions
Serve as a resource person

The PSG@Damai logo was designed by the members in 2021. The ‘heart of the flower’ symbolises the PSG‘s dedication and commitment. The petals of the flower is outlined by the word, Damai, which symbolises strengthening the PSG-school partnership to enhance learning experiences for the students. The five petals depict the roles of the PSG.
For more parenting resources:
Please click on Positive Parenting Programme (Triple P) to find out more about parenting programmes. The Positive Parenting Programme (Triple P) is an evidence-based programme that equips parents with techniques to promote their children’s (aged up to 16 years) psychological, social and emotional competence. Triple P is built on a tiered system that provides different degrees of parental support.
Please click to find out more details on upcoming parenting workshops. Morning Star Community Services is one of the parent support providers partnering MOE schools to deliver evidence-based programmes to equip parents with useful knowledge and skills to journey with their child.
You may wish to contact our PSG Liaison Officers for more information:
Mdm Nur Sahira Ramlee at
Miss Tan Chwee Kim at
PSG Lohei 2024
PSG Core Team Meet Up in March 2024
Sharing by one of the PSG parents on Careers’ Day
A token of appreciation to our PSG chairperson during the 7th Speech & Prize Giving Day
PSG Meet Up in May 2024
PSG rugby parents ready to give their support at rugby tournaments
PSG serving lunch to our sec 1 campers
PSG all ready to render help during Sec 1 Camp meal times
PSG serving lunch to our sec 1 campers
PSG distributing snacks during National Day Celebration
Our PSG Team @ Marina Bay Waterfront
Games session by PSG during National Day Celebration
PSG Support Circles Zonal Session 2024
PSG Support Circles Zonal Session with MOS, Ms Gan Siow Huang, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Manpower
Thank you, PSG, for the ice-cream treat during Teachers’ Day