Counselling Services
What is School Counselling?
Counselling is defined as a collaborative process in which the counsellor or psychologist facilitates the expansion of the student’s view of life, enlarges his repertoire of coping resources and enables him to make choices for change in himself, the situation and the environment, without destructive consequences to self or others.
The counselling services in school are organised in a tiered system, beginning with first level intervention by teachers. If the intervention is unsuccessful or for cases requiring more specialised attention, referral is made by teachers to the Teacher Counsellors, School Counsellors, Part Time School Counsellors, or external counsellors employed by the school. Students requiring more intense intervention are referred to MOE Guidance Specialists or professional agencies, such as the Child Guidance Clinic.
School counselling sessions can:
Provide someone who will listen to your concerns with care, respect and confidentiality as when you need someone to talk to or to listen to you.
Give you opportunities to explore your feelings and thoughts, examine options, weigh alternatives and gain new perspectives of yourself, the situation and your environment for the situation you are facing.
Help you work on your self-acceptance, self-worth and confidence.
Help you to manage the challenges you face more effectively by enabling you to make choices for yourself and in yourself and the situation.
It may take some time for the above to happen and we encourage you to continue with the counselling sessions as requested by the counsellors.
The School Counselling Team
The school’s counselling team is made up of four key members: a Senior School Counsellor Ms Ilyana and Teacher Counsellors, Mdm Choo Lee Ming and Mdm Tan Boon Siew. The team also includes Senior SEN Officer Ms Rajes , who provide structured and systematic support to students with mild Special Educational Needs (SEN) in mainstream schools, and enable them to integrate better in the mainstream schools.
![]() Senior School Counsellor |
![]() Mdm. Rajeswari D/O Kanagersundram Senior Special Education Needs Officer |
![]() Teacher Counsellor |
Who may benefit from Counselling?
Our school counsellors
are available for you and want to make your school experience the best
as enriching as it can be. You may be feeling uncomfortable with certain
issues or are not doing as well in school as according to your expectations—
and that's OK. The counsellors will try to help you figure out what's going
on. It's also a good idea to know about counselling and what they school
counsellors do even if you don't need any help right now.
You are also welcomed to walk into the counselling room to speak with
the counsellor should you encounter difficult situations such as:
Academic /Exam Anxieties
Grief and Loss
Relationship issues with Peers
Family Conflicts
School Anxieties
What happens when you see a Counsellor?
sessions usually lasts 45 minutes where school counsellors and students
explore concerns. ALL sessions are CONFIDENTIAL and this means:
It will not be reported in your report book nor shared with everybody.
However, your school counsellor will be required to share any confidential information shared if the counsellor thinks that you or someone else is at risk of being harmed.
Other Useful Helplines:
These are counselling hotlines and social work agencies that offer help to youths:
6449-0762 |
6449-1440 |
1800-221-4444 (24 hours) |
1800-377-2252 |
1800-6123-123 |
6339-9770(24 hours) |
8111-3535(24 hours) |
6389-2222(24 hours) |